HEAR and HOMES Rebates

HVAC Rebates for Arizona Homeowners: HEAR and HOMES Programs 

Attention Arizonans! 

Upgrading your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system or improving your home’s energy efficiency is now more affordable, thanks to two federal rebate programs: 

  1. Homeowner Electrification & Appliance Rebates (HEAR) Program
  2. Homeowners Manage Energy Savings (HOMES) Program

These rebate programs are designed to help families reduce their energy bills while making homes more eco-friendly. They offer substantial savings on central air conditioners, water heaters, furnaces, heat pumps, insulation, and other energy-saving upgrades.

Clear Air Conditioning & Heating is here to explain these programs so you can make an informed decision about your HVAC system upgrades and home energy efficiency.


What Are the HEAR and HOMES Programs?

The HEAR and HOMES Acts are part of broader U.S. legislative efforts to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They were introduced as part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022.

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Resiliency has formed the Efficiency Arizona program to implement these rebate programs across the Grand Canyon State, benefiting residents and their homes.


HEAR Program

The HEAR program (Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates) under Efficiency Arizona offers rebates for low-income and underserved households to install energy-efficient electric appliances, such as heat pumps and electric stoves. 

Rebates can cover up to $14,000 for qualifying products, with households below 150 percent of the area median income (AMI) eligible. Income determines the rebate amount as follows:

  • Households below 80 percent AMI can receive a rebate of up to 100 percent of the project costs for qualifying projects up to $14,000.
  • Households between 80 percent and 150 percent AMI can receive a rebate of up to half of the project costs for qualifying projects up to $14,000.

Eligibility can also be demonstrated through participation in programs like LIHEAP or Medicaid. The heat pump rebate is not available to homes with existing heat pumps.

The available rebates under the HEAR program include:

  • Up to $8,000 for an ENERGY STAR®-certified electric heat pump for heating and cooling.
  • $4,000 for an upgraded electrical panel.
  • $2,500 for electrical wiring upgrades.
  • $1,750 for an ENERGY STAR®-certified electric heat pump water heater.
  • $1,600 for insulation, air sealing, and mechanical ventilation improvements.
  • $840 for an ENERGY STAR®-certified heat pump clothes dryer or an electric stove, cooktop, range, or oven.

This initiative is part of Arizona’s efforts to lower carbon emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce utility bills for residents. By transitioning to cleaner energy solutions, the HEAR program aims to make energy-efficient technologies more accessible and affordable for homeowners across Arizona.


HOMES Program

The HOMES program under Efficiency Arizona provides performance-based rebates for energy-saving retrofits. It aims to reduce energy consumption, lower utility bills, and contribute to a more sustainable environment. 

Things to know about the HOMES rebate program:

  • The program will launch in early 2025, and eligibility will be based on household income. 
  • Rebates are available for various projects, including HVAC systems and insulation upgrades. 
  • Rebate amounts vary and are determined by actual energy savings. 

Under HOMES, a program analyst will conduct an energy audit to identify critical areas for improvement, recommend ideal projects to boost energy efficiency, and estimate your potential energy savings. Based on these calculations, they will determine your eligible rebate amount.

Your program aggregator will work with us to deliver your rebate before installation, so you instantly save!


What HVAC Products Qualify for Rebates?

Several HVAC products qualify under the HEAR and HOMES rebate programs, including:

  1. Heat Pumps: Heat pumps are one of today’s most energy-efficient heating and cooling options. They can reduce energy consumption by up to 50 percent compared to conventional heating systems, and both rebate programs provide significant rebates for their installation.
    • HEAR Rebate: Up to $8,000
    • HOMES Rebate: Varies by energy savings achieved.
  1. High-Efficiency Air Conditioners: Arizona’s hot climate makes an energy-efficient air conditioning system essential. Modern systems with a high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating can qualify for rebates under both acts.
  1. Electric Water Heaters: High-efficiency electric water heaters are another product eligible under the HEAR rebate program. These can provide substantial energy savings and contribute to an all-electric, energy-efficient home.
    • HEAR Rebate: Up to $1,750
  1. Home Energy Audits and Insulation: The HOMES Act encourages homeowners to perform energy audits and make improvements, such as upgrading insulation and sealing air leaks, which can significantly reduce energy waste in your home. The rebate varies by energy savings achieved.


Why Arizona Homeowners Should Take Advantage

Arizona’s hot summers and variable winters put a significant demand on home HVAC systems. By investing in energy-efficient HVAC systems through the HEAR and HOMES rebate programs, Arizona homeowners can:

  • Lower their utility bills
  • Reduce their carbon footprint
  • Improve indoor comfort year-round
  • Increase the overall value of their home

Plus, taking advantage of these federal rebates drastically reduces the upfront costs of making these energy-efficient upgrades, making it a financially smart decision for any Arizona homeowner looking to improve their home’s energy performance.


Ready to Upgrade Your HVAC System?

Clear Air Conditioning & Heating specializes in installing energy-efficient HVAC systems that qualify for HEAR and HOMES rebates. Whether you are considering a heat pump or upgrading your AC system, our expert team is here to help you navigate the rebate process and ensure your home operates at peak efficiency.

Call 623-516-8373 or request service online to get started on your path to improved home energy efficiency.